March 2012

Corruption in Luxembourg - Part II

One of the main reasons for our “problems” in Luxembourg, is that we can prove that Danske Bank International has carried out unauthorized and thus illegal financial service in Norway (e.g. encouraging and assisting Norwegian consumers to commit tax fraud, hence the bank has conspired to commit tax fraud), a service the bank has prospered from, while the consumers have lost all their savings.

Corruption in Luxembourg Part I

In this regard, the bank corrupted a bailiff in Luxembourg, Martine Lise, and asked her to declare to the Court of First Instance that she had summoned us to a court hearing of which Alex Schmitt had instigated in September 2011. Consequently Martine Lise declared to the court that she had served the summons on September 6 2011, and by this declaration she made herself an accomplice to serious financial crime. For a backdrop of the case, please read this article.

Domstoladministrasjonen og domstolene har begynt å forfalske dommerforsikringer og postjournaler

Først litt praktisk informasjon: En dommerforsikring skal signeres og avgis før man tar sete som dommer, første gang. Det vil altså si at eksempelvis en konstituert dommer eller dommerfullmektig, som i medhold av dl. § 60 skal ha avgitt forsikring før vedkommende tok sete, ikke behøver å avgi ny forsikring når han/hun eventuelt skulle forfremmes til fast stiling som tingrettsdommer. Man avgir altså forsikring én gang i livet.