Corruption in Luxembourg - Part IV - The Black Door

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Corruption in Luxembourg - Part IV - The Black Door

Sun, 30/09/2012 - 16:04

A nation and a Government – or a Big Black Door

The subject of this article is the widespread corruption within the Luxembourg Government – of which its national and international “players” benefit and profit from – and the impact of this corruption on the society. You will also learn about how this Government handles problems which it finds impairing and harmful to its position and powers. One way of dealing with such “problems” is the use of terror and death threats. A Luxembourg lawyer - son of a court president - reveals the truth about Luxembourg and its massive institutionalized corruption.




A nation and a Government – or a Big Black Door

Our recent letters to the World Bank Group, IMF, Transparency International and the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights – institutions to which Luxembourg is funnelling billions of Euros[1] – serves as informative documents on the widespread corruption within the Luxembourg Government, of which its national and international “players” benefit and profit from.

Therefore, instead of trying to compose an article out of these letters, I rather provide you with one of them instead, that is; our letter to the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Ms. Navanethem Pillay.

Reading this letter will hopefully make you become more familiar with the unlimited powers[2] of the Luxembourg Government, and in particular how this nation is administered (through extensive misuse of these powers), not as a “democratic” state, but as a dictatorship tightly involved with and totally dependent on tax evaders, fraudsters, dictators, wars and warlords, blood money and the dark players of the international financial industry, which all preys on the masses.

But before I go on with Luxembourg in particular, some hasty words has to be said about the world’s economy, pirate banks and their life-supporters, the so called credit crisis, likely actual causes to its occurrence and why it will happen again and again. This brief account will hopefully make you understand the impact tax-havens like Luxembourg have on everyday life. Understanding this will make it easier for you to see the truth; what governments actually can and will do against its citizens, this in the interest of the elite and its well established bleeding system of the masses, a system which serves at least two purposes; making it wealthier by the minute, and consolidating its powers.

The elite, tax havens and pirate banking – the cause to most of our problems

According to Credit Suisse’s estimate (2011) (link is broken), the total global (household) wealth is put at some US $ 231 trillion. The market value (the GDP) of the three largest economies in the world, U.S.A., China and Japan together is estimated at some US $ 28 trillion. An inconceivable amount, right, but I bet you didn’t know that the elite – the self proclaimed owners of the world, its wealth and its some 6.8 billion slaves – are hiding the same amount of cash in tax havens like Luxembourg. According to Tax Justice Network’s (TJN) very conservative estimates, the wealthiest individuals of the world have hidden between $ 21 and $ 32 trillion, in cash.[3] So, around 10 % - most likely far more – of the total global wealth is stolen and hidden from the masses, by the best of the be(a)sts of the human race. As it appears in the TJN-report, Senior Adviser and main researcher James S. Henry found that a little less than half of the trillions stashed away are controlled by less than 100.000 people. So, how has it been possible for a tiny little elite, among the 6.8 billion slaves, to stash away more than 10 % of the worlds wealth/assets? In regards to how this is organized, the report is clear. The stolen and hidden goods are:

“…protected by a highly-paid industrious bevy of professional enablers in the private banking, legal, accounting, and investment industries, taking advantage of the increasingly borderless, frictionless global economy.”                            

 “This industry has basically been designed and operated for decades, not by shady no-name banks located in island paradises, but by the world’s largest private banks, as well as leading law firms and accounting firms. All of these institutions are based, not in island paradises, but in major First World capitals like New York, London, Geneva, Frankfurt, and Singapore.

I strongly advise you to read the report, but anyway, here are at least a few highlights from the report concerning the vital players of this global financial criminal industry, and their role.

In most economies of the world, real property (real assets) is the dominant component of its household wealth. What is left is personal wealth (financial assets) which is free to be invested. Without going any deeper into the separation and equation of the world’s wealth, it is though clear that the stowaway-funds amounts to a considerable part of the total wealth in this world, and maybe most important; the amount is massive, it’s in cash, and it is hidden and controlled by a few, which means that it can be utilized to manipulate governments, markets, organizations or armies for that matter, at the elite’s free will.

The elite (who own and control the few banks that manage these funds) could, if they felt it necessary, take control over a country, a continent or the whole world. If you have problem being creative using this kind of money, I can give you some ideas. With $ 21 trillion one could keep all 10 US Navy’s Nimitz class aircraft carriers, all included, in business for 65 years (based on a yearly cost of $ 32,1 billion), or you could contract 100 of the US Navy's brand new Gerald R. Ford class carrier (the US Navy has contracted two), fully equipped with 7.500 F/A-18 Super Hornet (75 on each carrier), and keep this armada of war ships in business for more than 6 years (based on a yearly cost of $ 26.8 billion). We are talking about vast amounts of money here, money totally out of control, to be used against the masses at free will.

Luxembourg is a top of the line tax haven with approximately 230 banks and financial institutions registered. In Cayman Island we find many of the same banks among the 278[4] registered entities. Let’s say that the 200 largest banks in the tax-haven-world hold the hidden and evaded amount mentioned above. This, then, means that every one of these banks holds at least $ 105 billion in evaded funds, each. Well, this in turn means that more than two times the Luxembourg’s GDP is stashed away in every single one of the 200 largest banks registered in this tax-free heaven. Most likely this pictures is somewhat incorrect, as it has been found, according to Island Business News (link to Island Business News is broken), that the 10 largest private banks in the world hold in the excess of $ 6 trillions alone. That is more than $ 600 billion in each of these 10 banks, and every single cent of the amount we are discussing has been channelled to/through these banks by illegal means.

It is said in the TJN-report that if the $ 21-32 trillion stash away had been taxed at 30 %, “…this would have generated income tax revenues of between $ 190-280 billion – roughly twice the amount OECD countries spend on all overseas development assistance around the world.” Governments should be interested in these facts and numbers, but they are not. On the contrary many governments facilitate and participate in stashing away its domestic companies’ wealth,[5] and when the global economy now and again goes to pieces (which typically is caused by sinisterly planned attacks on the national or the global economy), the banks which have stashed away all this wealth cries for rescue due to their “losses”, and the governments start refilling the banks’ crypts to compensate for the “loss”. The refill is obviously siphoned from the private households, i.e. from you. As of today, huge straws have been thoroughly placed into the private households in Greece, Spain and Portugal. There are more to come, as the refill has hardly started.

As for the masses, the 2008 financial crisis started on September 15 2008, when Lehman Brothers sought refuge behind the chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Shortly after the name Bernard (Bernie) Madoff popped up from nowhere, and the rest is history; tons of money had by now evaporated into thin air.

At present some 26.000 court cases (link is broken to deminor article, but this link gives you a an idea of the magnitude of the fraud) have been spun off from Lehman Brothers’ criminal[6] financial activities alone, and the only ones that seem to gain from this legal/financial illusion (where money apparently disappear without leaving a trace), are the banks and off course the lawyers fighting these lost cases.

For tax evasion purposes, Ponzi scheme purposes, and other shady intentions, huge amount of assets have been funnelled through different conduit companies and mailbox offices in Luxembourg. This goes for Lehman Brothers/Madoff/Danske Bank assets as well. How much of the $ 600 billion in assets Lehman Brothers held prior to its fall in 2008, or the $ 65 billion Bernie Madoff defrauded from investors and consumers, actually passed through the hands of the Luxembourg regulator (CSSF), is hard to say, but taken into consideration the main purpose of Special Purpose Vehicles /Special Purpose Entities (the so called shell corporations or mailbox companies) which there are a few of in this financial scam, I would guess far more than 50%.

Hence the origin of this crisis is partly to be found in Luxembourg, and the cause of it is located in the tight bonds between PM Jean-Claud Juncker,[7] his government (and its crime-protective policy), and the financial industry, and this Government’s misuse of its institutions, among them; CSSF, the financial supervisory body who should have – taken into consideration its mandate; to assure market stability and provide consumer protection in relation to financial products – controlled, supervised and finally stopped Lehman Brothers, Luxalpha,[8] Danske Bank International S.A.,[9] [10] Madoff & subsidiaries and other accomplices to this mega-crime long before the plans where put into action. So, as long as the masses find it more comfortable with its life in slavery – as the risk of breaking free brings too much uncertainty – this way of slowly draining you off your wealth will happen again and again. After all, it is a fully functional bleeding system of which no one actually opposes against.

It is said that it was a shock to many people that Lehman Brothers could collapse, as it was so heavily regulated. The statement itself is a telling recognition of the nature of the problem.[11] The correct words should then be; heavily protected, and the shock will turn into anger. How the Government and CSSF are protecting international financial crimes, is thoroughly accounted for in this article, supported by this € 72 million compensation law suit against CSSF.

Most investors don’t succeed with their legal actions in Luxembourg. The reason is found in the judicial branch, which is a crucial part of the same crime protective system[12] as described in the above mentioned article. You will find, by continuing reading this article, that PM Juncker is in full control of the prosecutors as well as the courts. It is said that one of his muscles, the State Prosecutor, gives all relevant institutions the necessary instructions on how to handle a certain matter. This statement will be confirmed in this article.

*        *        *

I am now switching back to the central theme of this article, the corruption within the Luxembourg Government and our letter to Ms. Pillay, of which describes the Government’s death threats against us. You will also become familiar with the expression; “the big black metallic door without a bell”. Those who have learned that Switzerland is one of the most democratic countries in the world (c.f. pioneers of direct democracy) will have to review their opinion on many countries and their administration, as well as their idea of what a democracy actually is.

So, here we go, and please don’t miss out on the footnotes above and below:

*        *        *

Dear Ms. Pillay,

According to available information, the UN High Commissioners’ office is;

“…mandated to promote and protect human rights for all…

In particular it is stated that the purpose of the Office is to:

  1. Promotes universal enjoyment of all human rights by giving practical effect to the will and resolve of the world community as expressed by the United Nations;
  2. Plays the leading role on human rights issues and emphasizes the importance of human rights at the international and national levels;
  3. Promotes international cooperation for human rights;
  1. Responds to serious violations of human rights;
  2. Undertakes preventive human rights action;[13]

According to the source mentioned in footnote # 13, the High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that she/the Office is:

 “…the voice of the victim everywhere.”

Should the millions of Euros of which Luxembourg every year is channelling into the United Nations’ system originate from criminal activities, i.e. from international financial crimes, then Luxembourg is obviously not fostering or contributing to any of the above mentioned main goals of the United Nations Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, quite on the contrary. Moreover, such circumstances would not contribute to the realization or improvement of Human Rights within the member states, and no one would under these conditions understand or approve the OHCHR’s mission or activities.

Furthermore any collaboration with Luxembourg would – under this setting – be regarded as accessory to money laundering, hence it should be of no interest of the OHCHR to cooperate with Luxembourg at any level. Receiving funds from the state of Luxembourg would under these terms, and in short, be regarded as a criminal offence. Now. let’s leave the theoretical aspects.

During the course of more than five years we have been forced to investigate Luxembourg, its institutions, and its financial policy. Our conclusion – which is based upon; 1) documents; 2) voice recordings of meetings with bank officials, officials from the law enforcement, public prosecutors, officials representing the financial supervisory body, quasi-officials like notaries and bailiffs, and lawyers; and 3) video recordings – is that this country is administered by a corrupt government and that its whole operation totally relies and depends upon excessive corruption, and willingly but suppressed corruptive players (i.e. key-individuals like judges, public officials, civil servants, lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, politicians and executives from the private businesses). In short, this country is far more corrupt than one would believe at first glance.

Before we continue, we strongly recommend you to actually take your time and read this whole letter through – including the important attachment – although it consists of some 12 pages. The information you will find below is devastating for Luxembourg, of great importance in general, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Death warrant - the escape from Luxembourg – saving our lives

In early May 2012 we fled from Luxembourg, Europe and our € 1 million home. The reason for our hasty escape was that our lives were – and still are – in great danger. By reading this letter you will learn who’s behind the death threats against us, and the reason for these threats.

For the time being we have taken refuge in Tonga

Luxembourg’s rank in the books of Transparency International – a scam

According to Transparency International’s (TI) “Corruption by Country” barometers, the Corruption Perceptions Index, Luxembourg is ranked 11 out of 183 countries, and is given a score of 8.5 points out of 10. The following is Luxembourg’s scores in other relevant indexes provided by the TI; the Financial Secrecy Index (Rank 3); Judicial Independence (Rank 14); Rule of law (Percentile Rank 98 %); Voice and accountability (Percentile Rank 98 %); Global Corruption Barometer (47 % of the citizens believe that the Government’s effort to fight corruption are effective); Control of Corruption (Percentile Rank 95 %); and Press freedom (Rank 6).

Comments: When you protect the people from the truth, when you manipulate and deceive the people to believe in lies, when you keep the people in blissful ignorance to the truth, you get results like the ones TI provides us with in regards to Luxembourg.

These indicators which TI presents to the world as reliable facts, does not by far correlate with the truth in Luxembourg, a truth which we have learned the hard way and which we in this letter will present the highlights of. But first some words about the governmental and administrative situation in Luxembourg.

As we have documented to all relevant institutions in both Luxembourg and in the EU in previous correspondence, most Luxembourg institutions – among these are the Grand Duke Henri’s[14] Public Prosecutors, CSSF, the Grand Dukes’ lawyers, the Grand Duke’s judges, the Grand Duke’s courts, the Grand Duke’s police force, the Grand Duke’s notaries, the Grand Duke’s bailiffs, the Grand Duke’s Parliament, the EU commissioner of justice, Viviane Reding, etc – including all private and public institutions involved in the financial business in Luxembourg, are totally and truly corrupted to the core. This fact has slowly surfaced during the course of our investigation against Danske Bank and the state of Luxembourg, and was duly and thoroughly confirmed by a Luxembourg lawyer in a several hour long meeting in Luxembourg earlier this year.

During this meeting, the lawyer – who beforehand had been briefed about the state of affairs (of our cases) by different “significant” persons in the central administration – informed us about our situation in general and in particular, and in this picture he described our chances not only to succeed in our cases and in our future careers, but our chances of actually surviving.

Make note that what we could call the lawyer-institution in Luxembourg is built around the judicial system as an impenetrable wall. You won’t be able to do anything in Luxembourg without going through a lawyer. Filing law suits, defending yourself against lawsuits, filing objections against the bailiffs’ service, filing objections against the notaries’ service, filing appeals against any court decision, filing criminal complaints, filing complaints against the law enforcement, or carry out any other correspondence with the law enforcement, notaries, bailiffs or the courts is impossible to do without a lawyer doing it for you.[15]

As the Luxembourg courts are the government’s last defence, its last bulwark, the lawyers are the judicial system’s last defence. Hence, we are left to believe in and take full notice of every word a Luxembourg lawyer utters.

The message from the lawyer, which you will find below, is unmistakable, and it is basically – we were told – a common and expected result/consequence of our reactions against the mistreatment and tyranny we have experienced from Luxembourg and EU authorities. But first a few words about the substance of our situation and complaints:

In order to protect our rights, our home, and our family we have since late 2008 complained against; 1) being deceived and defrauded by the Danske Bank[16]; 2) CSSF, for protecting and supporting the bank in its day-to-day criminal activities;[17] 3) the public prosecutor, for covering up and protecting the bank’s and CSSF’s criminal activity; 4) the police, for covering up and protecting illegal covert surveillance instigated by the bank and the Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker; 5) the Luxembourg courts, for carrying out secret hearings to protect the bank, CSSF, and the public prosecutor; 6) the Luxembourg courts, for passing secret decisions in the bank’s favour, although facts and a fair hearing would have put the bank’s officers as well as several public officials in jail for many years; 7) the Luxembourg courts, for obstructing our right to access to a court of law; 8) the Luxembourg courts, for obstructing our right to defend ourselves; 9) the Luxembourg courts, for obstructing our right to file lawsuits; 10) the Luxembourg courts, for obstructing our right to appeal against its decisions; 11) the Luxembourg courts, bailiffs and notaries, for obstructing our rights to try our objections against the crimes the bank, the notaries, the bailiffs, the public prosecutors, the judges, actually the whole Luxembourg crime-protective institutions are committing against us; and 12) the Luxembourg police, prosecutors and courts, for refusing to protect our rights and our lives.

These well documented complaints and letters to different so called democratically established institutions, the lawyer told us, are the direct cause to all the problems and tyranny we have encountered in Luxembourg and in the EU.

Ms Baranyi’s PhD studies in Luxembourg

Late in 2008 Katalin started her PhD studies on Human Rights at the University of Luxembourg. In three out of three attempts her application for FNR grants was rejected for no justifiable reason whatsoever. No one, especially not the staff at the university, understood why her applications were rejected. Now we know, and we let the lawyer explain the reason for you:

KB: Katalin Baranyi, HJB: Herman J Berge, NN: The lawyer

151.  NN: You are an (long pause) Apprentice (talking to KB)? Which doctorate are you preparing?

152.   KB: Human rights.

153.   NN: Human rights?

154.  KB: I mean all that I have studying in human rights, it doesn’t practice here.

155.   01:

156.   NN: That’s dangerous. That’s a dangerous, eh, job!

158    NN: and you write to Reding?

159   KB: Because she’s (VIVIANE REDING) the boss of the Human Rights. I mean, we need, we want to get help

214    HJB: She is the judicial commissioner.

215    NN: Yes, yes.

216   HJB: She is responsible for having an eye on Luxembourg judicial system and…they (Luxembourg) apply to EU law.


218   NN: And you launch any critics against her, you will see that you career, you career her in Luxembourg is very …

219    KB: Pardon, what do you say?

220   NN: That you try to launch some critics against her person, and you will immediately after notice that you career, to stay here in Luxembourg, becomes more difficult

221    KB (long pause). Mhm.

222    NN: Ok?

223    KB: So, yes.

224    NN: That’s, that’s why I say they will recline for your job.

225    KB: I’m not going to work here.

226    NN: No, that’s, I mean, in a future job.

229    NN: That’s reality. They are talking about reality

In this picture it should be noted that Professor Dr. Jean Paul Lehners, heading the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and a member of Ms. Baranyi’s scientific committee, obviously knows[18] the “system” in Luxembourg, and how it works. Based upon this information he was obliged to warn Ms. Baranyi about all the life threatening dangers she obviously would encounter instigating such a study. He didn’t. Instead of encouraging her, he definitely should have advised her to leave this subject and the country, at least for the sake of her family and our survival.

Based upon this serious and highly alarming information, we can – especially in the light of what is referred to below – conclude; 1) that the Luxembourg government is not based upon any democratic foundation; 2) that the Luxembourg government collaborates with the EU commissioner Reding in crushing a family who has questioned the Human Rights in Luxembourg; 3) that both the Luxembourg government as well as its “arm” in the EU – justice commissioner, Viviane Reding – are capable of ruin anyone’s career, job and lives, and that they don’t need any better reason than that the target refuses to get in line with the rest of its subdued citizens; and 4) that both the Luxembourg government and the EU commissioner Reding actually have succeeded in stealing our property, ruining our lives, and making it impossible for Ms. Baranyi to continue and finish her PhD studies in Human Rights in this country.

As mentioned above, we are refugees in Tonga solely because of EU Commissioner Reding’s and the Luxembourg Government’s obstruction of just about everything concerning our lives in Luxembourg, and as we are living with the Luxembourg governmental death warrant,[19] there is no chance that Katalin can carry on with her PhD studies on Human Rights in Luxembourg, let alone entering the country to defend her thesis.

So, why should we believe this lawyer who did his best in giving us the truth about Luxembourg as a state and a corrupt organisation, and about our chances? First of all; because all his essential statements correlate with our own findings. Secondly; the lawyer has pledged his allegiance to the Grand Duke – the key to our problems – and in this oath he has sworn to respect the courts and refrain from giving advice or defending any cause that he would not believe just in his heart and soul. Thirdly – we let him explain why:

121.   NN: I know the system very

122.   KB: So that’s how the system works?

123.  NN: I know the system. I know the system very well! Believe me! My father was the President of the Court, and uncle was police chief. I know the system very well! So believe me!

134.  NN: I want to let you understand where you stand so you can, so we can better, retrieve some…you can not continue standing before the black door. : You stand for months before the big black door[20] without a bell.

Based upon this, we have all reasons to believe in him, and take his warnings serious.

Court decisions in Luxembourg

During the years, Luxembourg courts have carried out numerous secret hearings and passed numerous secret decisions against us, based upon lies from the plaintiffs. In any other Rule of Law country, a judge would not accept lies or even attempt to base his judgement upon lies. In Luxembourg this is different, and again we let the lawyer comment on this:

106.   NN: All the bank’s lying. You must (understand). Most of the judgments are lies. They are never a resemblance of…

This correlates with our findings, and means that all decisions against us are – as we for years have claimed and documented – based upon fraud and fabricated facts (the lies), and with international eyes aimed on Luxembourg, this country should by this fact loose whatever credibility that is left. Please see footnote # 2 (footnote 14 in this article) for more about our failure to win.

“The black door” and all its implications

Since we discovered the bank’s fraud against us and many others – and its continuous unauthorized financial activities in Norway – we have experienced that not a single criminal complaint, not a single lawsuit, not a single appeal, not a single objection from our side has ever been processed or tried by any court, law enforcement, or by any other governmental institution whatsoever. For more than 4 years nothing has happened with our complaints. Nothing! The only thing that has happened is that we have been put under covert surveillance, our mail is consistently opened, checked and damaged, all phone conversations have been tapped, Internet has been manipulated and tapped, suspicious cars and persons have kept our home under constant surveillance (more frequently the last few years), and as early as in the spring of 2009 we experienced the first murder attempt just outside our driveway when a driver of a car – during the rush hour – wilfully speeded up, passed the slow traffic by illegally using the road shoulder, aimed at the side of our car as we were entering our driveway, and hit us with full power travelling at some 70 km/h. It was just by share luck that we survived this murder attempt. The police and our insurance company suppressed the investigation and we were never allowed any crucial documents or information in this matter.

The lawyer has an explanation why the Government and its institutions refuse to help us, and how the Government handles situations like ours and opponents like us:

112. NN: …no government needs to receive lessons from somebody else, depending on…circumstances, depending of the criteria, they all do what they, what is their interest, whatever… So I can not really say that I have more or less believe in face to Mexican government rather Luxembourg except that in Mexico the percentage of active mafia organizations in politics, the person of, of, citizen and will vote Mexico, 60 percent of all active citizen are directly been, directly involved in mafia. What I mean 0:57:24: it is, I count a very strange situation in Switzerland. You know Switzerland is very democratic. But that stops to certain moment, to certain extent…in each county, let me just tell you that, in each situation, each county 0:57:50: you arrive at a BIG, BLACK, METALLIC DOORWITHOUT A BELL! It’s no bell.

113. NN: If you hit, if you knock too strong and too hard, somebody, you have the man, let us say the man is the Government, and that’s the same in Norway, probably much more than… Luxembourg is a small country, ehm, different things are very difficult to put in place in Luxembourg, much more easily in country like Norway…common experience something goes the wrong way, sometimes it goes the wrong way to end at the door, the big what I call metallic black dark and very high door.

118. NN: Eh. You choose, this is not an argument, not…but you were choosing since a long date the wrong way in Luxembourg, that you arrive, you arrived already since a couple of months at this black door. I explain it to you. 0:59:42

119. NN: You arrived at the black door. Ok. And I told you, in Luxembourg things are more smooth. It’s a small country. Nobody is disappearing, we are not here in Mexico

120 KB: Hm

121. NN: And you are knocking, and there is no bell, and for months you didn’t understand that there is no bell. That you should go home and tried other possibles?. That’s what I mean. Should I be more clear? I try to be very clear with you. I know the system very

122. KB: So that’s how the system works?

123. NN: I know the system. I know the system very well! Believe me! My father was the President of the Court, and uncle was police chief. I know the system very well! So believe me!

So by this we can safely conclude that Luxembourg, in line with Switzerland, is a quasi democratic state, appearing democratic but only to a certain extent. At this later point, when you reach a certain invisible and for your case; crucial line, other secret mechanisms take over for the expected democratic process. By now you are nothing but collateral damages, and at this point – when you have reached the big black metallic door – the democracy has clearly ceased to exist (if it was ever there).

Katalin expressed her opposition against this, and compared it with the dark ages. This is the lawyer’s response:

124. KB: It is quite sad, because we live in 2012, and those darkness (which he describes) exist, this was supposed to be 200 years ago.

125. NN: This darkness exist for your case since a long time.

126. KB: Yes, I know that, but it is very sad, because they could judge us before

127. NN: Yes,

The lawyer underlines that the law of the dark ages applies to our case in Luxembourg in 2012. The lawyer then tries to explain what we did wrong, where it all went wrong:

129. NN: The first mistake you did, you did it by your own, and you did a few considerable mistakes (writing complaints and corresponding directly with the courts[21]) and people are lazy. When people are lazy, they take advantage on your faults. Your faults, your behavior, even your behavior. They take advantage by just doing nothing. Doing anything at all. 


Again, the Grand Duke’s lawyer confirms that Luxembourg governmental institutions have never processed our letters and complaints. Let us remind you that he is describing the richest and most democratic state in the world. To let us understand how wrong we were, attempting to defend ourselves and even complain against governmental mistreatment and tyranny, the lawyer put it straight for us:

131. NN: I make nowadays that your certain… complaints, including with the letter you wrote to Juncker, inclusive the letter you wrote to Vivian Reding…all these people. They are speaking to me. They are all saying the same. They are all telling me the same thing. They are all telling me that you are crazy!

132. KB: We believe you.

133. HJB: How can we be crazy? It is a fair opposition from our side. It has always been. We haven’t done anything wrong. We haven’t done anything wrong in Norway (either).

134. NN: I want to let you understand where you stand so you can, so we can better, retrieve some…you can not continue standing before the black door. : You stand for months before the big black door without a bell.

The premier’s assassination orders

So, studying Human Rights, defending your life, family and property in Luxembourg makes you a crazy person and gives the Government and all its institutions the right to reject any complaints, or grievances. The treatment you get is the big black door, without a bell, but – as the lawyer will explain for you – if you cross the Government in its unlawful business, as we have done, then the Government will put a price on your head:

162. NN: How can you write to a person like Viviane Reding???

163. KB: In Norway you can do that. In Norway.

164. NN: :

165. NN: Yes, you can do it. In Norway! And in any other country, any other country, BUT I tell you, the government is much stronger. In your country the government is much stronger. If the government (Luxembourg) decides to fix what is lawful or unlawful, and you cross the lane of Government, you for sure face the man with the gun in the neck (pointing at his neck).

166. 01::

167. Mr. Berge! You…you have the man with the gun in the (hits the table with a snap), in the neck. In the neck. REALLY!!!

This statement from the lawyer – who had already been speaking to high profiles in the government (later on he told us that he had even been working together with the present Minister of Finance in the law-firm of which the bank now is represented by) – is an unmistakable and definite death threat from Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg Prime Minister. We can thus conclude that Jean-Claude Juncker issues death warrants on his own citizens. But it gets worse. To underline for us the seriousness of our protests, the lawyer states:

168. NN: You can not…if you whistle with your nose, if you are against crucial interest in the country. The country will (hitting the table). If the government and the country decide to go ahead with some deeds in Russia, serious Israel or Palestineans, you really disappear, and they will do it! And you will not stop it. It’s you who wants really to pay to survive. The difference you have here in Luxembourg, you never, never pay to survive! (i.e. if Jean-Claude Juncker decides to assassinate a person, you won’t be able to pay for your survival, you just won’t survive. You have no chances).

169. 01:

170. NN: I just, I just know one person who paid with his life….directly he was assassinated by… Just one case.  

By this statement the lawyer makes it clear; 1) that certain whistleblowers will be assassinated on orders from the Luxembourg Government; 2) that the Luxembourg Government already has put a price on Mr. Berge’s head; and 3) that we will be assassinated on orders from this Government, led by Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. It all sounds too bad to be true, ridiculous actually, but it is the naked truth.

This was the main reason why we had to flee our home, the country and Europe.

Government order: put the case aside

Later on in the meeting we reverted to the problem that the public prosecutor didn’t do anything with our more than 50 criminal complaints against the bank and its henchmen, and that these complaints thus still are pending. The lawyer yet again underlined the problems in Luxembourg, and how the government deals with problems like this:

195. NN: (Long pause). It’s not pending. It’s NOT not pending.

196. KB: But how can we know?

197. 01:

198. NN: It’s just put in the drawer. It’s just in the drawer. It’s not pending. It’s NOT not pending. It’s inexistent. It’s the black door, I told you.

199. KB: But I mean like…

200. NN: If you say it’s pending, and you insist, they will say; yes we did our work. That’s nothing. 

201. KB: But…

202. NN: If you send a letter; you did not consider our complaints, he would say; yes, but we have thousand complaints. Yes, we are busy. Yes, we are busy, yes. We have told you to not to speak with you, we are busy. Depending what is your anger. The anger of an act. If you look here, they say; what do you want? There is no sun today. Look here. What do you want? There is no sun today. You understand?

203. HJB: Mhm.

204. NN: That’s what they…does not make sense to make…you say, depending on your approach, they are not answering.

205. KB: But isn’t they obliged as a, they are public office, civil servants who reply to the citizens and the residents. In any democratic country, Luxembourg is…

206. 01:

207. NN: (Interupt) any democratic country, yes.

Again we see clearly how the Luxembourg Government deals with complaints against a totally corrupt and criminal financial industry. They do everything possible to protect it, even assassinating whistleblowers. And, as you can see from line 207, the lawyer does not consider Luxembourg as a democratic country, and as he has underlined, he knows the system. He knows it!, and then we all have to believe him. After investigating this case for more than four years, we have all reasons to believe him.

But how on earth can any lawyer accept such a chaos? How can he work in such a chaos? And how is it possible for any Luxembourg lawyer to protect and defend his clients?

As all lawyers have pledged their allegiance to the Duke, the interests of their clients are always secondary to the Duke’s and the Government’s.

Lawyer’s advice to us

Further on how Luxembourg institutions deal with criminal complaints – and how they deal with citizens who try to defend their rights and, in these attempts, accidentally cross the Governments lane while the latter is fixing what is lawful or unlawful – this is what our lawyer recommends, a lawyer we were referred to as the best fighter of a lawyer that you could get in Luxembourg:

250. NN: Now, what CAN we do? I can’t tell you! Your complaints have been instructed. They all receive instructions, they all receive the decision by the state’s attorney.

288. NN: And that’s the only way (to sell the house and get out), the… (only) sustainable suitable way to deal with it. And all the complaints, and complaints, that will follow the same issue and the same fatality. The same, eh, the same way.

In other words; the Attorney General, Mr. Robert Biever, has instructed just about everyone how to handle matters in which we are involved. The only thing to do is thus to sell the house, or let the Grand Duke’s notary Francis Kesseler carry on with his illegal auction on our house, and leave the country as soon as possible and hope to survive.

Below you will find a summary of the information and the legal advice the lawyer provided us with, of which his law-firm has billed us € 13.000,-:

The Luxembourg Government and its institutions are totally corrupted. Luxembourg is not a democratic state, and in certain important cases the Government will put you in front of a big black metallic door without a bell, and if you knock too hard on it, a man with a gun will take care of you. The Luxembourg courts are totally corrupted and pass decisions based on lies, to the advantage of the financial business. All governmental institutions act heedlessly upon orders from the Attorney General (Mr. Biever). As we have been deprived of all our savings and rights, we have complained against numerous mistreatment and tyranny from all Governmental institutions, and for this the Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker and his Government has put a price on hour heads and ordered the assassination of us, and there is no way that we can pay ourselves free from these Governmental instructions. Hence we are advised to give up our house and our claims, get out of the country as fast as possible and hope to survive.

In closing

We believe that the voice recordings of this meeting – of which the above quotes represents a few highlights – could turn out to be one of the most significant evidence, documenting the true face of a purportedly democratic state in the heart of the Western society. During the meeting with this Luxembourg lawyer, we have learned about the “dictator” behind the black door of this particular state – Jean-Claude Juncker, who has reigned for longer than most die hard dictators; a quarter of a century, and that without the slightest convincing opposition or strikes – and how he, his Government and the EU commissioner on justice, Viviane Reding, brutally misuses their powers on anyone crossing their path, manipulating every necessary democratic processes, even ordering assassinations on any significant opponents to their leadership or to the country’s survival as one of the largest money launderers in the world.

Let us – before we close this letter – underline for you that we had a social life in Luxembourg. Our 9 year old son was truly integrated into the Luxembourg system, and its school. He thrived as anything, received top marks in all subjects, was the centre point in his class, and was totally devastated when we abruptly – and due to the imminent death threat – had to rip him out of the school, and take him away from all his friends, to safety. Numerous letters demonstrates that it was even more devastating for his classmates. As you hopefully understand, this is not how you treat human beings.

We have learned that our house has been illegally sold for pocket money, that it has been sold to the bank’s and the notary’s henchmen, and that the Government is about to break in to our house to finish off with the case and us, hence we need all possible help to stop this totally corrupt organization/Government/dictatorship from doing us more harm, and to revert this illegal action against our family and our property. We also need all help available to call off the assassination order.

Finally let us inform the High Commissioner on Human Rights about one of the latest incidents, yet again demonstrating how corrupt the Luxembourg Government and its courts really are: A few months ago Mr. Berge published – on his Internet site:[22] – parts of our findings about Luxembourg. In these articles he verified his findings with documents and video-clips. For this (we have heard) we all have been sentenced – in a secret decision after we escaped from Luxembourg – to pay some € 20.000 á day for as long as we refuse to delete the truth from the Internet. I.e. We have been sentenced by a Luxembourg court for publishing the truth about the bank’s criminal activity, and how the bank’s notary and bailiff have collaborated, upon the bank’s instruction, in fulfilling (enforcing) the bank’s criminal actions against us, and for this we have – it seems – been ordered to pay dearly. Not unexpectedly, we were not summoned to this secret court hearing either. The court order demonstrates beyond any doubt that the courts in Luxembourg are corruptible tools of the Grand Duke, the Government and whoever controls and runs the financial business in this dictatorship.

*        *        *

As initially indicated Luxembourg is administered by a corrupt government. In its day-to-day business this Government totally relies and depends upon excessive corruption, and corruptive players (i.e. key-individuals like judges, public officials, lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, politicians and officers from the private businesses). The UN OHCHR should obviously not be affiliated with this country and/or its funds.

During the course of the last five years, we have gathered solid documentation on the Luxembourg Government’s continuous violations of Human Rights and its direct involvement in and protection of international financial crimes. In short we have documented that the Luxembourg Government – led by PM Jean-Paul Juncker – is engaged in and profits from international financial crimes, and that this is actually an integrated part of its financial policy. It follows then that the continuous violations of Human Rights are an imperative integrated part of Luxembourg’s financial policy. In this regard, please read my articles on this subject by following the links below:

18.11.11. Luxembourg’s blood money

21.11.11. Luxembourg – A wormhole to fraud

19.03.12. Corruption in Luxembourg Part I

30.03.12. Corruption in Luxembourg Part II

25.08.12. Corruption in Luxembourg Part III

Should the UN OHCHR – even after this introduction to the corruption within the Luxembourg central administration and down to its most insignificant civil servant – doubt the authenticity or accuracy of our information, we take the liberty to provide you with an e-mail correspondence with a Luxembourg Editor in Chief, in which he is describing and confirming the same picture as focused on above; a totally corrupt government and state, and as the UN OHCHR by now might understand from all these indicatives pointing in the same direction; we are only touching the tip of the iceberg.

The UN OHCHR is obviously in the position to “guide” Luxembourg on to the right path. As mentioned above we have taken refuge in Tonga, but our lives, our home and our belongings are in Luxembourg. Should the UN OHCHR refrain from taking immediate action, sanctioning Luxembourg, this would be regarded as the UN OHCHR’s deliberate support and protection of violations on Human Rights carried out by a highly corrupt group of people who in fact is controlling the state of Luxembourg (and is actually – by its multibillion Euro contributions to the World Bank Group, IMF, UN OHCHR, etc. – infecting these organization), which in turn obviously could call the UN OHCHR to account.

Having said this, we do appreciate the High Commissioner’s soonest response and action.



Nuku’alofa September 27 2012

Signed                                                                            Signed

--------------------                                                          --------------------

Katalin Baranyi                                                                Herman J Berge

PhD Scholar                                                                    LLB


Herman J Berge
Nuku’alofa, Tonga

  1. It is rather strange that the five countries in the world who « donate » the most to charity (World Bank Group, UN programs etc), compared to their gross national income – Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands, the so called; world’s most charitable nations – are all Monarchies, moreover; they are the same family.
  2. Many of you have been taught about the « separation of powers », the model of governance developed in old Greece and in the Roman republic, in which the state is divided into separate branches holding independent powers and areas of responsibility (legislature, executive and judiciary), thus – hopefully – balancing the powers between the branches to the best of the masses. This is just a fairytale the leaders are pushing on to the masses to keep them calm, and their noses away from the truth. The fact is that there is no separation of powers – at best it’s just a good though – which the administration of the state of Luxembourg is a telling example of.
  3. Yachts, real estates, gems, gold bars, arts and other tangible goods are not counted.
  4. Many of the banks are registered with numerous subsidiaries.
  5. Like Norway. In this (Norwegian) article I have documented that the leader of the Norwegian Socialist Party, Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen, forced all Norwegian ship owners to hide their profit in Swiss banks. This order was executed in the wake of the WWII, and as far as I know, the order has not been cancelled. As the Government has refused to comment on this, we are left to believe that the order is still in force, although amended to fit into the increasing demands for transparency.
  6. Accounting manipulation, and massive accounting fraud, is a crime.
  7. …who, at the time of the “impact”, also was the Minister of Finance
  8. Madoff’s feeder fund.
  9. Madoff’s and Lehman Brothers’ feeder bank.
  10. Thanks to CSSF it has been possible for Danske Bank to provide Norwegian consumers with illegal financial service for almost 20 years, and that without authorization. Even after we called for CSSF’s attention to this criminal financial activity in Norway, CSSF tok position and defended the bank and its unauthorized financial “business”. This – the Luxembourg Government’s financial policy, defending its accomplices with one of its right hands; CSSF – is the reason why international financial fraudsters in the Madoff-league have been able to put together and carry out their malicious ideas on how to prey on and then destroy humans for their own benefit, and this is also the reason why international financial crimes and crime schemes have popped up, flourished and conquered the world from its launch in tax havens like Luxembourg.
  11. In this Bloomberg-article investors claims that the US regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is liable for their losses, as SEC had failed to stop Madoff’s fraud even after repeated warnings. Furthermore Bloomberg refers to a statement from the suing investors; that CSSF not only was aware of the UBS/Madoff-scam, but that CSSF had been hiding this information for more than four years. Again you will have to agree that the regulators are not regulators, but protectors.
  12. Deminor, a Belgium based company which is helping “…investors to protect, enhance and recover the value of their investments.”, has obviously faced this system, though without knowing its basics and function: “On the contrary, as we are witnessing in nearly all court proceedings, the banks and auditors are using any possible means to delay a debate on the merits of the case...Some of these tactics are unreasonable and, especially in Luxembourg, we are surprised to see that the courts are passively admitting them.” Source
  13. Source: 
  14. We describe all these institutions as clearly the Grand Duke’s, as all court decisions are passed in his name, as all judges pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, as all lawyers are called to the bar and pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, as the notaries pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, and as all public servants pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke.
  15. This Luxembourg-system, which is in violation with the ECHR and EU law, completely contradicts the lawyer’s right to freely choose their clients. This in turn means that a person in certain matters, like in financial crimes involving governmental interests, will actually have no access to court, and will loose everything.
  16. This financial fraud of which we have been exposed to, is actually part of a huge international crime; the so called Equity Release Scheme, instigated mostly by Scandinavian/Nordic banks, with the aim to deceive and defraud elderly couples for their pensions and their unencumbered holiday homes in Spain and Southern France.
  17. On March 23 2012 the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) approached CSSF and basically confirmed that Danske Bank International S.A. has never been authorized to provide the financial service we received in Norway. This means that every single contract, agreement, and any service whatsoever carried out in Norway, to Norwegian citizens is illegal and null and void. Furthermore this letter confirms that the bank in question is a criminal organization, and that it gets its support and protection from the Luxembourg Government, CSSF and other relevant governmental institutions.
  18. During a five-year review in the UN, reporting on Human Rights in their own states, the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg, Mr. Nicolas Schmit warned Professor Lehners: “Remember, you are here for Luxembourg, not for Human rights!” The message was as clear as is the continuous cover up of the state of Human Rights in this country.
  19. For more on this issue, see page 7 below.
  20. See more on this expression below.
  21. In any democratic country/society citizens have a right to defend themselves, and represent themselves directly in a court of law. Not so in Luxembourg.



[1] It is rather strange that the five countries in the world who « donate » the most to charity (World Bank Group, UN programs etc), compared to their gross national income – Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands, the so called; world’s most charitable nations – are all Monarchies, moreover; they are the same family.

[2] Many of you have been taught about the « separation of powers », the model of governance developed in old Greece and in the Roman republic, in which the state is divided into separate branches holding independent powers and areas of responsibility (legislature, executive and judiciary), thus – hopefully – balancing the powers between the branches to the best of the masses. This is just a fairytale the leaders are pushing on to the masses to keep them calm, and their noses away from the truth. The fact is that there is no separation of powers – at best it’s just a good though – which the administration of the state of Luxembourg is a telling example of.

[3] Yachts, real estates, gems, gold bars, arts and other tangible goods are not counted.

[4] Many of the banks are registered with numerous subsidiaries.

[5] Like Norway. In this (Norwegian) article I have documented that the leader of the Norwegian Socialist Party, Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen, forced all Norwegian ship owners to hide their profit in Swiss banks. This order was executed in the wake of the WWII, and as far as I know, the order has not been cancelled. As the Government has refused to comment on this, we are left to believe that the order is still in force, although amended to fit into the increasing demands for transparency.

[6] Accounting manipulation, and massive accounting fraud, is a crime.

[7] …who, at the time of the “impact”, also was the Minister of Finance

[8] Madoff’s feeder fund.

[9] Madoff’s and Lehman Brothers’ feeder bank.

[10] Thanks to CSSF it has been possible for Danske Bank to provide Norwegian consumers with illegal financial service for almost 20 years, and that without authorization. Even after we called for CSSF’s attention to this criminal financial activity in Norway, CSSF tok position and defended the bank and its unauthorized financial “business”. This – the Luxembourg Government’s financial policy, defending its accomplices with one of its right hands; CSSF – is the reason why international financial fraudsters in the Madoff-league have been able to put together and carry out their malicious ideas on how to prey on and then destroy humans for their own benefit, and this is also the reason why international financial crimes and crime schemes have popped up, flourished and conquered the world from its launch in tax havens like Luxembourg.

[11] In this Bloomberg-article investors claims that the US regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is liable for their losses, as SEC had failed to stop Madoff’s fraud even after repeated warnings. Furthermore Bloomberg refers to a statement from the suing investors; that CSSF not only was aware of the UBS/Madoff-scam, but that CSSF had been hiding this information for more than four years. Again you will have to agree that the regulators are not regulators, but protectors.

[12] Deminor, a Belgium based company which is helping “…investors to protect, enhance and recover the value of their investments.”, has obviously faced this system, though without knowing its basics and function: “On the contrary, as we are witnessing in nearly all court proceedings, the banks and auditors are using any possible means to delay a debate on the merits of the case...Some of these tactics are unreasonable and, especially in Luxembourg, we are surprised to see that the courts are passively admitting them.Source

[14] We describe all these institutions as clearly the Grand Duke’s, as all court decisions are passed in his name, as all judges pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, as all lawyers are called to the bar and pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, as the notaries pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke, and as all public servants pledge their allegiance to the Grand Duke.

[15] This Luxembourg-system, which is in violation with the ECHR and EU law, completely contradicts the lawyer’s right to freely choose their clients. This in turn means that a person in certain matters, like in financial crimes involving governmental interests, will actually have no access to court, and will loose everything.

[16] This financial fraud of which we have been exposed to, is actually part of a huge international crime; the so called Equity Release Scheme, instigated mostly by Scandinavian/Nordic banks, with the aim to deceive and defraud elderly couples for their pensions and their unencumbered holiday homes in Spain and Southern France.

[17] On March 23 2012 the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) approached CSSF and basically confirmed that Danske Bank International S.A. has never been authorized to provide the financial service we received in Norway. This means that every single contract, agreement, and any service whatsoever carried out in Norway, to Norwegian citizens is illegal and null and void. Furthermore this letter confirms that the bank in question is a criminal organization, and that it gets its support and protection from the Luxembourg Government, CSSF and other relevant governmental institutions.

[18] During a five-year review in the UN, reporting on Human Rights in their own states, the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg, Mr. Nicolas Schmit warned Professor Lehners: “Remember, you are here for Luxembourg, not for Human rights!” The message was as clear as is the continuous cover up of the state of Human Rights in this country.

[19] For more on this issue, see page 7 below.

[20] See more on this expression below.

[21] In any democratic country/society citizens have a right to defend themselves, and represent themselves directly in a court of law. Not so in Luxembourg.