NN vs Bergen politikammer

"Kritikk er ikke i hånets og fornærmelsens ånd, husk det"

Historiene blir ikke fortalt for å knekke eller håne noen, nei absolutt ikke. De er heller ikke fortalt for å erte på seg et injuriesøksmål eller to (en reaksjon som har vært meget vanlig når kjeltringstreker nesten har nådd overflaten). Nei, historiene som blir fortalt er et rop om hjelp, et rop om at makten og de mange syke menneskene bak makten nå må slippe litt av taket, gi de ramponerte og nærmest uskadeliggjorte menneskene et lite pusterom. Hvor lenge skal politi, dommere og andre tjenestemenn få fortsette i sitt spesielle beskyttede miljø? Og hvor lenge skal politikerne la dette få fortsette?

Nå er det på tide å slippe til den tapende part i dette demokratiske spill. Og når mediene ikke ønsker å gjøre jobben, ja, så får andre ta over.

Grov mishandling
NN's mann, YY, har anmeldt NN for å ha satt fyr på deres felles bolig som hun, inntil brannen, bodde alene i sammen med sin lille datter. Denne hennes tidligere ektemann, har tidligere blitt anmeldt av NN for alvorlig gjentatt grov konemishandling. Politiet i Bergen vil til tross for anmeldelsen og de klare beviser (bilder, legejournal etc) ikke etterforske den gjentatte straffbare mishandlingen. Og YY, han har kjentfolk i politiet.

I tillegg er YY anmeldt for å ha mishandlet NN's bror (den gang 9 år) mens han var på et 2 måneders besøk i Norge. SEFO gjør intet for å etterforske eller reise tiltale mot disse handlingsnektende tjenestemennene i Bergen.

Gravid - og mishandlet på det mest hensynsløse
Da NN gikk høygravid, mishandlet YY sin kone på det aller verste. Som følge av denne massive og grusomme mishandlingen NN ble gjenstand for, gikk fostervannet og hun ble blodig og forslått innlagt på sykehus hvor forløsningen skjedde under store komplikasjoner. Nå, tre år etter, lider hun fremdeles medisinsk av denne hensynsløse mishandlingen. YY er fremdeles verken straffet eller straffeforfulgt for disse alvorlige og grusomme handlinger.

Til tross for bilder og legejournaler og pågang mot SEFO, samt at YY selv har innrømmet forholdet (gitt NN's 9 år gamle bror et karatespark i magen med rennefart), ønsker politiet ikke å etterforske de gjentatte mishandlinger.

I stedet har YY anmeldt NN for falsk anmeldelse, falsk anklage og drapsforsøk og endelig for å ha satt fyr på sitt eget hus. NN skal nå straffes for at hun i flere år ble mishandlet på det mest grusomme av sin tidligere ektemann, dette uten å ha løftet en finger mot sin mishandler !

Politiet har vendt hele saken mot offeret. Det åpenlyse og sikre, blir av Bergenspolitiets etterforskere snudd til det tvilsomme og villedende. Alt som talte for NN, blir snudd på hodet og brukt mot henne. Hvordan er dette mulig i dagens demokratiske og rettslige Norge?

Jeg skal i denne omgang ikke gå inn i en spekulasjon over påtalemyndighetenes og Bergenspolitiets saksbehandling, men likevel, denne saken lukter det aldeles ikke godt av.

I dag ble det da i Bergen tatt ut siktelse mot NN for brudd på straffelovens §291 (skadeverk: fengsel inntil ett år), §292 (grovt skadeverk: fengsel inntil 6 år), §272,1 ledd (den som ødelegger eller skader en forsikret gjenstand: fengsel inntil 6 år) §168 (Falsk anklage, falsk anmeldelse: fengsel inntil 8 år), §171 (mot bedre viten anmelder en straffbar handling som ikke er gjort; fengsel inntil ett år), samt brannlovens §13 (Enhver plikter å vise forsiktighet for å forebygge fare for brann, ansvar for uaktsomhet, Fengsel inntil 3 måneder).

Bergenspolitiet og vold
Det er en kjent sak at politiet i Bergen langt fra har noe godt ord på seg. Grov politivold oppigjennom årene er bare en del av Bergenpolitiets CV. I den meget kjente "Siren-saken" har politistyrken fulgt opp sin vandel ved å dekke over mye "rart", hvor både dommere og politi er inne i bildet.

"Bergen politikammer - uten karakter"
Bergen politikammer er i følge Helge Elvebakk styrt "nedenifra". "-Ledelsen er for svak til å styre kammerets menn." Politimesteren er etter Elvebakks mening en "pyntedukke". "-I det hele tatt står man overfor en svak politiledelse, og landets mest lurvete politikammer, med en politimester og et korps som ikke har karakter til å stå imot," avslutter Elvebakk som virkelig har fått føle politiets slette arbeid, og moral, på kroppen.

At kammeret styres nedefra, er foruroligende, meget foruroligende.

"- SEFO er en latterlighet"
Privatetterforsker Eldbjørg Hatlestad sier at det finnes veldig mange hyggelige tjenestemenn på kammeret, men de er feige, tenker bare på sin pensjon og samholdet på kammeret, foran folkets rettssikkerhet. "-Mange unnlater å rapportere til sine overordnede om det de ser. De er en skam og en parodi på alt som kaller seg politi, både innenlands og utenlands," sier Hatlestad og fortsetter; "-SEFO krever respekt og troverdighet, men hva kan de vente seg av reaksjoner, disse feige tjenestemennene, hvor bare 2% av sakene blir etterforsket, og hvor det sjelden blir utferdiget tiltale i det hele tatt."

Dette er hard kost mot det allerede meget belastede kammer. "-Bergen politikammer er et rotterreir, og SEFO er en latterlighet," avslutter privatetterforskeren som selv har vært utsatt for seksuell trakasering fra en av tjenestemennene ved kammeret, i tillegg til annen grov mishandling.

Politiet og "Siren-saken"
Mor til den ovennevnte Siren (Siren; drept og muret inn i et kjellergulv i Bergen i 1984), skulle inn til et politi-avhør i 1991 vedr Siren-saken. Hun døde få dager før avhøret. Det ble den gang spurt om en obduksjonsrapport. Politiet hevdet at det ikke fantes noen slik rapport, hun hadde nemlig avgått ved døden på en meget naturlig måte. 5 år senere dukker det opp en obduksjonsrapport. Her står det at moren hadde et dypt stikk, bakfra, i hjerteregionen. Likevel kom den kjente patologen til at hun hadde avgått med døden på en naturlig måte, dette til tross for at hun var blodig tilredt, som det også står å lese.

Mord skjult i 8 år
En må med dette konkludere at politiet i hvert fall har utført et slett arbeid da de ikke foretok seg noe med dette "mystiske" dødsfallet. Et blodig tilredt lik, med et dypt stikk 15 cm til venstre for ryggsøylen (hjertet?), ja, da kan man vel med hånden på hjertet kunne hevde at politiet i Bergen har skjult et antatt mord i bortimot 8 år.

Et meget aktverdig spørsmål blir da: 
Hvilket motiv har politiet i Bergen for å skjule et mord, kanskje flere?

Dette skulle gi et lite grunnlag historien til NN


Dette er altså historien til NN. Hun kom fra UpState New York, USA, til Norge i 1993, giftet seg og fikk barn. Hennes mann har mishandlet henne i flere år. Han har også mishandlet NN's bror. For en stund siden, da NN var på tur til sin søster i Oslo, brant hennes enebolig, og ting forsvant fra huset. Etter en vennlig vri fra bergenspolitiets side, blir NN siktet for å ha satt fyr på sitt eget hus, samt forsøk på forsikringssvindel, og falsk anmeldelse av tyveri.

Politiet i Bergen ba bl.a. NN om å notere ned på et papir ting som hun eide, og samtidig antydet de at det muligens dreiet seg om tyveri fra huset. Nedtegnelsen ble gjort før hun i det hele tatt hadde vært i huset etter brannen. Etterforskeren hjalp sågar NN med å fylle ut denne listen. Om tingene var borte fra huset, eller ikke, ja, det var jo umulig å si siden hun ikke hadde vært i huset for å kunne sjekke. For så vidt var det på dette tidspunkt irrelevant om tingene var der eller ikke, da listen nettopp skulle gi politiet et grunnlag og en oversikt over ting de kunne lete etter i huset mens NN var i USA.

Denne listen blir i dag, av politiet, brukt mot NN. Nå hevder politiet at denne listen ikke er en liste over ting som NN eier, men en liste over anmeldt stjålet gods. Dette blir jo noe helt annet, for når politiet nå går i gang med undersøkelsene sine i huset, vil de høyst sannsynlig finne mange av disse tingene. Og når disse tingene blir funnet, kan de med "listen" i hånd hevde at NN har forsøkt seg på forsikringssvindel ved å ha oppgitt at alle tingene nevnt på listen var stjålet. Som nevnt, listen var skrevet på oppfordring av bergenspolitiets etterforskere, som en liste over eiendeler de skulle lete etter, ikke en liste over stjålne eiendeler. Hvordan kunne NN vite om noe som helst var stjålet, så lenge hun ikke hadde vært i huset? Etter min egen forstand, så ville det vel være lurt å først fjerne alt, før man anmelder det for borttat, dersom man nå skal gjøre seg til kjeltring? Hvorfor bergenspolitiet bedriver slikt dobbeltspill er uklart.

"Sorte kvinner har ikke utdannelse"

NN har 7 års høyere utdannelse, noe politiet vrir over til noe negativt: "-Sorte kvinner har ikke slik utdannelse," sa politiet, og har hun likevel en slik utdannelse, så er hun vel en så smart jente at hun nødvendigvis må ha satt fyr på sitt eget hus.

Hun blir arrestert, og hennes to år gamle datter blir tatt fra henne og satt på det beryktede barnehjemmmet; Breimyra Barnehjem i Bergen. Ni mødre har anmeldt dette barnehjemmet for vold og voldtekt av barn som har vært plassert der.

NN blir sittende i varetekt i 4 uker. Hun blir trakasert og torturert og får slengt etter seg rasistiske bemerkninger av bergenspolitiet, mens hun sitter i varetekt.

Faren krever foreldreretten
Nå krever faren til NN å få foreldreretten til deres felles barn. Det er bevist at faren er en barne- og konemishandler. Likevel kan det nå se ut for at han får retten til barnet. Dette til tross for overveldende beviser i form av bilder både fra lege og politi, samt legejournaler som bekrefter mishandling.

En eventuell leser som leser dette, og som kjenner de rette kanaler, oppfordres herved til å gjøre det som er mulig for å hindre dette justismord i å utvikle seg, og å hindre at barnet blir overlevert til denne mishandleren.

Faren har kjenninger i politistyrken i Bergen, noe som kan komme godt med i denne saken. Alt skal nemlig brukes mot NN; å fikse det slik at hun blir siktet - og sperret inne - for å ha satt fyr på sitt eget hjem, kan jo være en løsning for å knuse sin tidligere kone. Dette er dog kun mulig under et samarbeid mellom ex-ektemannen, politiet og evt domstolen. Et slikt samarbeid er jo, som kjent, ikke lenger et mareritt, men en kjensgjerning. Slikt skjer, men her i Norge har vi likevel noe vanskelig for å tro det.

Det finnes verken motiver eller beviser for at NN skulle ha gjort noe slikt.

Politiet i Bergen har et hav av anklager mot barnefaren, men lar alle disse anklagene, med sine klare beviser, ligge. Til tross for verken motiver eller beviser for at NN skulle ha satt fyr på sitt eget og datterens hjem, så velger politiet å kjøre seg selv ut i grøften i et forsøk på å knekke et uønsket menneske.

NN er utlending, hun er skarp, hun er intelligent, og hun er farget. Les skrekkeksemplet på mishandling av et menneske! Les hennes historie!

Her story 

Abused - but no help
The reason for writing this letter is because I am in desperate need of help. I am an American living in Norway because of the marriage to a Norwegian named YY. (Currently seeking a divorce from him). There have been many incidents of violence and abuse and I have reported it to the police and to my surprise there was no help. (Can be confirmed by the logs at Fana police station).

I would call for help because of the abuse received from my husband and the police would not even speak to me; I was a foreigner. After a while, I lost all hope in the police because my husband made it very clear to me that he had contacts in the police force. Furthermore, YY could do what ever he wanted to me since no one would listen.

Isolation and abuse - ending with miscarriage
YY isolated me from my family and beat me until I agreed to his terms, whatever they were. I use to be a strong woman but he slowly beat me into submission. Even when I tried my best to do whatever YY asked so I would not get hurt, he always found faults that gave him a reason to punish me. In addition, he starved me, made me work 12 to 14 hours' days at his company and mentally, and finally physically, abused me until I had a miscarriage; this happened three times. (Time list at lawyer's office & copy of doctor report at request).

I tried to leave many times but he made it to the point where I was afraid to ask because with any sign of what he considered rebellion I was punished. For the record, I did love him but I wanted to escape. That is why I ran away to the center for battered wives, which is supposed to be a hiding place for battered women. But he found me. (Copy of confirmation of crisis center at lawyer's office). When we spoke, YY threatened me with a harsh punishment if I did not return. So, I came home because YY went on to tell me that he had ways of getting me, even in the center.

So, I went back because I was afraid not to. He has done many illegal things but  somehow he always managed to escape them. Statement from his partner's lawyers statement his theft of over 200,000 Kr. from the company (documents can be found in my lawyer's office), false papers to try and defraud the tax authorities and lying on his bank loan (documents can also be found at the lawyer's office).

Violence in front of children
Many people that never have been in a situation like mine can state that I had a choice to stay away or go back to YY, but it was more a form of survival. I felt safer knowing what he was planning for me then being away waiting to get my punishment. During a visit of my little brother, TT, age 9; the abuse expanded. TT was punched and scared to death during his visit. What he received from YY was not deserved or understandable. (Letter from TT attached to his police report begging the police to help him). I'm not saying that YY had a right to do what he did to me, but some people may feel that I must caused him to do these awful crimes against me.

My husband was beating me on the ground while my brother and YY's 6-year-old daughter watched. They both wanted to help so they grabed a little stick and just stood there in shock from the brutal beating I was getting. They were so afraid to hurt my husband. TT and YY's daughter have both felt his anger and knew what would happen if they took my side. He has hit them both before this incident. They did not know what to do but stand there in fear while I screamed.

Child-abuse but no help from the police
My husband looked back, at my brother, at least 20 feet or more away, jumped up and ran towards him and gave him a flying kick into the stomach. I got up and ran over to my baby brother. Then my husband went back to get the knife that was in the spot where he was beating me. At this point, I was so extremely scared when we fled that I began praying and screaming because I thought that we would be killed. Fortunately when my husband ran after us, some neighbors in the cabin next door saw him and heard us screaming for help which made YY ran away. When TT and I filed a complaint with the police, nothing happened again. They never even questioned the woman in the cabin to get her statement. (YY's police report admitting he kicked TT)

My Norwegian lawyer, Aage Mjeldheim, had my mother write a statement saying she wanted to press charges against YY since the police requested this. However, I could not press charges against YY for my brother TT since I was not his mother. (Copy of letter written by my mother with another letter from my lawyer) But still nothing! Three years later, I was beat up again in November -98. So I tried again to bring forth the charges against YY for my brother. Unfortunately, this time he threatened to hit me and the baby with a full bottle of wine. Luckily, he just kicked me into the stairs while I was holding our baby. I managed to keep her from being injured by cushioning our fall with my body. (Copy of police report at lawyer's office with police pictures of bruises).

TT is still terrorized from this experience. (Letter from station also written in my statement to the police)

False Burglary theory given by the Police 
First and foremost, I was told by the police invesatigator, XX, that they have witnesses that saw someone very angry outside of my house, 3 am, a week before the fire. XX told me that the neighbors thought it was my ex-husband. I told him that I didn't know whom it could have been, since I had not spoken to anyone, and especially not YY. Then, he said that this was probably the thief casing the house. Also, the fact that the back door was unlocked and opened during the fire. The investigator continued with a theory that the thief probably started the fire after leaving. Finally, I was asked if I blew out the candles and I was not so sure.(The question of candles in the room was asked by the invesitgator during questioning) Since the police officer told me all these things, I felt convinced that I blew out both of the candles on the table. I was very depressed about the fact that my house was robbed and that my ex could have been involved in it.

At this time, my lawyer Kent Fredrickson was contacting YY's lawyer to find out about the insurance company. We were very afraid that the house was uninsured because he had made it clear during our separation proceedings that he could not afford to pay the house mortgage or a lot of the bills associated with them. He also notified Fana Sparebank that he would not be paying for the month of December. (Can be confirmed by my lawyer and maybe Fana Sparebank) So, we did not know if he had kept up the payments on the insurance. I did not know the name of the insurance company or the policy that we had, so we had to go through YY's Lawyer. Luckily, he did pay that bill.

The "list"
I had gotten a letter from the insurance company to start writing down a list of things that were destroyed in the fire, but I was unable to begin this list because the police were not allowing anyone in the house yet. (Can be confirmed by Adv. Kent Fredrickson and Bjørn Tore) So after one of the interrogations, I decided to begin writing a list down of everything I own. My lawyer had left the policeman's office and it was just the investigator XX and I. He was just doing the spell check and then I was supposed to sign it and leave.

So I began writing down my contact lenses on the list and then XX asked me what I was doing. Then I explained to him that I was writing a list of everything I own. The investigator looked at me very disappointed because I had not really written anything. He asked me if I had any jewelry and I said, "yes". Then I wrote down my diamond Rolex, my pearl necklace and my daughter's diamond earring. Then I continued writing and started over again with my skis. The police officer looked at my list again and asked if I own a video camera, and I said "yes". So I wrote that down also. Finally, I wrote a few more items and I just gave up in frustration.

XX told me that he had taken pictures of his own house, just in case of a fire. I thought that that was very clever. He seemed to be very kind and considered of my loss. I told the police officer that when I went to America, I was going to have my family help me write down more items. That was when he asked me if I wanted him to help me think of some items that were common in households that most people forgot. I thought it was very nice, and XX asked if he could get a copy of my paper. But as the investigator was reaching the door he turned around and asked if I could sign the bottom. The police officer claimed it was so he would not forget whom the paper belong too. Now that it was signed, the paper looked more like an official insurance document rather than notes to myself.

When he came back from copying the paper, I asked if it was possible to see the house before I left for America. Therefore, I could be writing a more accurate list of what was lost in the fire. XX told me that I could go right then and try and locate my jewelry. He asked me to make a few drawings of where I remembered them last. Then the policeman noticed that I had not written a wedding ring down on the list, so we looked for that also. We looked for them for about five minutes as the official touchier rummage through the remnants of my things. We found my pearl necklace but nothing else. I was upset and the investigator said they were very sure that a thief had stolen my jewelry. Bjørn Tore and I were confused about this theory since the expensive TV and stereo system in the next room were not touched. XX quickly explained that it was probably a drug person that wanted to grab a few things to get high. So his explanation satisfied our doubt since he was a trained officer giving a professional opinion of the situation. 

The police-fraud
The next day XX called me up and told me that he needed me to come down to the station immediately. Bjørn Tore and I were busy rushing around to get things ready, since I was going to America in 2 days. The investigator told me that he needed me to sign a paper naming the items we looked for the day before. Then and only then, could the police do the investigating while I was gone. XX made it very clear that without this paper the investigation would not be able to continue. So I asked him to type up what he needed me to sign and then I would be there in 10 minutes. So I did. The investigator typed up everything except the list of items. He took out the post-it note that we had taken as a list to the house. These items are the ones being written down on the report. He then pointed to the top of the report, where it said with attached list and told me it was the post-it note, but it wasn't. It was the list that I had written in his office the day before. (Of the items that I owned because I had never been in the house yet!).

He said he would help me with which was illegal and the police trying to frame me for insurance fraud! The police officer placed the list of things I had given to him to think upon. The police officer lied to me so that he could add a lot of items to their list to search for in the house. Also, to add the charge of insurance fraud to the list of crimes that they wanted to charge me for. Since the police have tried to make it look as if I had written the list after I had been in the house. Furthermore, with the signature on the insurance form it looks as if I intended to hand it in. But after 9 months, I still have never given the insurance company any list!!

The arrest
The next morning, at 8 a.m., there were 20 police officer at my door in the morning. They took my boyfriend, my 2 year old daughter and myself into custody to the police station while they searched the house without a court order! I was stripped and placed into custody until my lawyer arrived. We were questioned separately. The Oslo police ransacked my sister's home, at the same time, looking for the items on the list. Of course, everything I said I owned to XX just 2 days earlier. They took my sisters wedding dress that I gave her for the intended wedding this summer, that ended up being cancelled due to the fact that they still have the dress! QQ, the police investigator, asked me many silly questions, and I answered them. (I did not understand at that time that they were using the list that I had given the police officer on a personal level. The police tried to use the list for something that it was not, to try to bring a charge against me.

The nightmare
After five hours, I was ready to leave. Then the detective got a note and began to laugh and smile. The Police had found a Rolex in the side of my suitcase. When QQ told me this, I was so happy because it was a gift that my mother had given my sister and I. He was shocked and I was happy. He said, "Are you happy that we found your watch?" I replied, "yes," because I was told by the other investigator in the room that they were 100 percent sure that it was stolen in the burglary. QQ said, "what burglary?" Then I was so confused again. He told me that I was going to jail for insurance fraud, starting the fire and for giving a false report.

Then I was asked where I wanted my daughter to be. I gave them a number to my best friend, and then they told me that I had to put her in an orphanage. This was a lie because I have the right to put my daughter at a familiar safe place.

My nightmare at that point had only begun. I could not believe what was going on. I told them that my daughter had been seeing a psychologist for a year before because of these incidents where my husband beat me and threatened to hurt my daughter. She was in such bad shape the year before. (Letter from daughter's Psychologist at lawyer's office) She was stopping to breastfeed before the attack from my husband and after that she breastfed almost 20 times a day as a form of safety. Furthermore, my daughter would not eat anything because she was afraid of everyone and everything that came in contact with her (my daughter's Psychologist from the helsestation in Solheimviken).

It took a whole year to get her back on track according to other children at her age. She was still breastfeeding at the time of the arrest, but only 4 times a day and some days doing without. The police did not care, and took her away anyway.

In the court
At the day in court, I could not believe the lack of evidence they manage to hold me on. They put me into custody for 2 weeks in solitary confinement, and I saw my daughter only 4 times during this period. My lawyer was not prepared for the tricks of this police department. I was speaking in English and they had a translator that put it into Norwegian. Every chance they got they changed a few words here and there. There were many times that we had to argue with the investigator to write what I wrote. After a week, I was not able to eat and I was taking sleeping pills to get a few hours every night (Can confirm with medical records from the prison).

Medieval interrogation methods 
I came into the office so weak and the investigator told me that if I did not testify he could keep me in jail for (just) that reason (Can confirm with my lawyer Kent Fredrickson). I tried to answer the best I could but I could barely keep my head up. I am not sure what I said those days when I was in prison. But even before this my sister heard from my boyfriend that they found a Rolex in the side of the suitcase. I did not know how it got there. So my sister began to wonder where here Rolex was and sent my Lawyer her paperwork for the watch. They asked how my sister's Rolex could have gotten in the suitcase. I told the police that I travel a lot to Oslo to visit her, but the most probable time was 4 months earlier on a trip to America. I told them the wheel broke on my suitcase and my sister was staying longer and agreed to take mine. (Can confirm by calling up Continental Airlines in St Petersburg Florida) We found out later the serial number were indeed my sisters. But this information was not confirmed until I switched to a more aggressive lawyer.

The police terror - and the setup
The day that I was suppose to meet my new lawyer, the police investigator came into the holding cell in the police station and closed the door. He began very nice (...but after a while, he switched to a threatening tone...or something like that) and then he began threatening me. He told me (that) if I did not say what he wanted me to say, then I would never see my daughter again. He stood so close to my face I could smell his breath and I kept peering over at the closed door and I started crying in sheer terror.

I began shaking so hard that I thought I was having a seizure. I asked him if he wanted me to say my husband did it. He said "you lied to me". I said if I lied to you I am very sorry but that I have been so weak that it has been too difficult to gather my thoughts. Then he told me that if I wanted to see my daughter then I had to do what he said. I begged him to tell me what he wanted me to say, and he just laughed. Then he began to say some racist things to me that I rather not talk about

Furthermore, He said; "I will ask you a question that I have asked you before and you better answer the way I want you too." Then he left. A half an hour oing to grab me and put me back to jail, and take me away from my daughter again. They are doing so many illegal things and the police have so much power over here. The judges seem to follow what the police say. I need your help to fight the police.

I have been trying to get help through the American Embassy but their powers are very limited. The police refused to call the American Embassy when I was arrested. (Confirm by calling Margaret Higgins of the American Embassy) This crime the police are doing against me is pure hate for foreigners. They have documents showing that my sister owns the Rolex watch and even confirm by the Rolex dealer in Oslo (they confirm that her documents were real and how the police could of made there mistakes)

Making evidence
I don't know how much longer I can hold out. They have no case but they are known for making evidence. Please help me before they take me away from my girl again. She is still suffering from the last incarceration. She is having nightmares where she wakes up screaming and choking me. It is the most horrible scream I have ever heard, and it lasted for minutes. (Can be confirmed by 6 different people) I am seeing a psychologist to help my daughter recovering from the incidents with the orphanage and YY.

The really sad part is that they also denied my sister to have my daughter, or see her, since they managed to put me in for extend my time in prison an additional two weeks. YY is trying to gain custody of our daughter now, using this case to his advantage. He is so violent even to his previous child, but his ex-girlfriend has not seen the events and does not believe me. Please help me with this case about the fire and my brother. We have all suffered so much and we just want our names cleared. Please consider our case. We need you! The one thing that irritates me the most is that my lawyer, Odd Drevland, my boyfriend and I, wanted Sintef to come in and investigate the fire and the police refused and even lied. They said they used the same tables as Sintef but the officer in Sintef said that it was not true. (Copy of both letters at the lawyer's office.)

