Blowing the whistle – in “shit”
Blowing the whistle is a way of keeping the train on the track. In Norway the whistleblowers are usually captured and left tied up on the track in front of the train. What can we do about this? A lot if you just believe in yourself and what you are capable of doing.
Dagny Amelia Olsen (aka ”Amelia Riis”) and her business partner Einar Riis Johannessen (aka Einar Rus Johansen) the arms dealer, have claimed to be poor and flat broke since the late 1970’. In a staged TV2-performance in May 2007 Olsen appeared as a poor and betrayed dishwashing widow living in a worn-out apartment owned by the bank that allegedly stole her inheritance; DNB NOR.
As exposed in a previous article in this family has been anything but broke as it has become clear that they have been stashing away huge funds in Switzerland, the Canary Islands, Monaco, USA, and most likely in Canada as well as in other countries. No taxes have been paid on their income or wealth. Nevertheless I have been appointed as the testamentary executor to find whatever assets belonging to the estate of the late Einar Riis Johannessen,
To convince the Norwegian Government and tax authorities that tax-fraud has been committed, you don’t need to present any proof. Why is that? Because these institutions don’t want to know. Why is that? Because certain families seems to be under protection, in this specific case; either due to the fact that “Amelia Riis” is a daughter of a ship owner (which normally will qualify for Governmental protection, e.g. Grace Reksten Skaugen, the Olsen & Ugelstad-families, The Fred. and Petter Olsen-families, the Ditlev-Simonsen-familie and many others), and/or that their business (arms dealing) might involve the Norwegian Government. So there we are.
In my letter of September 3 2007 to the Norwegian Minister of Finance, Kristin Halvorsen, I informed the minister about the illicit funds which Norwegian ship owners had been stashing away in Switzerland since the end of the WWII, this on explicit instructions from the former Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen. Halvorsen’s reply in her letter of
“The Ministry has no knowledge to assets in relation to Norwegian shipping that qualifies to any activation in the Central Government Accounts.”
What does this really mean? Well, she doesn’t actually state that there are no assets stashed away in
How much money are we talking about here? Billions of dollars, deprived from the people of
Who is in charge of these funds? The ship owners? The Labour Party? The Swiss P26 in collaboration with H.M.K Okkupasjonsberedskap (former Stay Behind)? or the “famous” Jens Christian Hauge’s successors? This will be disclosed in the time to come.
In 1945 then Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen (a former road worker, communist and conveniently converted socialist) ordered the Norwegian ship owners to keep their profit abroad (interview only in Norwegian), out of reach of tax authorities and all the frustrated heirs that didn’t fully know about this scheme thus believing that they were entitled to their heir. For what reason you might ask? These assets, which obviously would grow, were meant to be used as a standby reserve in case the read army should flow into Norwegian territory from the east. This never happened and the funds just never stopped growing. You can only imagine in what way these huge funds could be spent; everything from bribing of other Governments in negotiations over an oilfield, to acquiring foreign and Norwegian companies, infiltrate and obstruct political elections, planning and committing terror actions, funding arms dealings and so forth. There is no control over these funds which makes it open for just about anything, and thus appearing as a nice desirable prey for the right organisation.
In our research we have found at least one Swiss institution that has been used – by Norwegian ship owners – as a depot for these assets. This institution has since 1958, when it was established, been operating as a bank without any banking licence/authorisation (a highly criminal activity according to the Swiss criminal law). This has been confirmed by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission in an e-mail to me of
It seems that these ship owners could – within the environment of a very supportive Government and its sleeping-duck-tax authorities – make withdrawals whenever needed. This has been confirmed by one of the foremost shipping professionals in
Last year we uncovered parts of this Norwegian/Swiss scheme and we notified the Ministry of Finance and Halvorsen about it. As the estate of the late Einar Riis Johannessen has interests in these funds I wrote a letter of April 21 2008 where I among other things informed the Norwegian tax authorities and the Minister of Finance about Dagny Amelia Olsen’s (aka Amelia Riis) concealed fortune hidden in Switzerland and that the minister should keep us informed about the progress of this case. This letter was followed up by another letter to the Minister of Finance of
The Minister of Finance refused to have anything to do with this matter. On the contrary it seems that she or some of her close staff contacted a Trygve Hegnar,[1] a journalist and owner of a Norwegian financial paper, and obviously asked him to retaliate by all available means.
Why would she do a thing like that? Most likely because she is tied up and has been forced to resign to this old established criminal system. But as Halvorsen’s father was a close director to Mr. Johan B Holte, the infamous Norsk Hydro-director who also illegally stashed away huge funds in Swiss “institutions”, her actions could of course origin from an idea of protecting her own father (who according to this article must have received funds from these illegal accounts) as well as other liable persons around Holte. After all she has been living in Qatar together with the rest of her family at the time when Norsk Hydro (her fathers employer in Qatar) made huge fraud-operations in the Middle East (Bahrain (ALBA) and most likely in Qatar (Qafco) together with Hambros Bank and the Norwegian ship owner, Hilmar A. Reksten, father of Grace Reksten Skaugen the latter known to have been running around in Europe (together with her mother Carol Montgomery Reksten) during the 1980’ with suitcases full of money, chased by Norwegian official receivers.
So after I informed the Norwegian Tax authorities, the Minister of Finance turned around and did what people in her situation and position normally do; aiming all available power towards the person that blows the whistle which can rock her status-quo-power and the positions of the foul guys behind her.
And now I’ll return to the beginning of this piece: Dagny Amelia Olsen and Einar Riis Johannessen. Proofs of foul play, millions abroad, flat broke at home, thus no tax to be paid.
The Johannessen-family wanted the Norwegian readers to dwell down with a picture of a poor old couple fighting for their rights, deprived of all their money. Only their honour was left. This sound too good to be true (after all we are talking about a daughter of a ship owner and her alleged husband), so let’s have a look behind the curtain.
During the period of March 1984 till the end of February 1985 the US dollar had strengthened itself against the Norwegian Krone by some 30%. Between March 15 and
The conversation goes in Norwegian. Basically the couple are discussing the drop in value of the currency in question, and that something has to be done, immediately. The “wife” suggests that she can go to the post office on Saturday and send off an express letter to their contact person (the currency deal was thus done from
In Einar Riis Johannessens world a few hundred thousand or even a few millions were never “a lot of money”, so we definitely talk about millions of dollars invested only in currency, especially having in mind that the late Johannessen in the conversation states that there is a risk of loosing a “lot of money”. 10% of $ 100.000 is in their world not “a lot”. 10% of $ 10 million is more like “a lot”.
We also know that the couple, in this same period, had engaged the Norwegian journalist Alf R. Jacobsen to help them in their fight against the Norwegian Government. This journalist’s task was to run around in the Government and in the Parliament pushing buttons to have the so called “Riis-case” investigated by the law makers. In this regard he prepared several notes for the legislators.
The relationship became so close that Mr. Jacobsen was just “Alf” in all their conversations. And of course, such an engagement is not cheap. Not long before this, Johannessen shipped another journalist over to the East Coast of the
Anyhow, the interesting aspect about the currency-story above isn’t the dollar and its ever changing value, but – as you might have sensed – the mere fact that this “poor” old couple had money to invest in currency, to pay off journalists and so forth. We are talking big bucks, and they got away with it, at least up till now.
As for the time being we don’t know the exact amount that this “poor” family had invested in different portfolios in April 1985, but having in mind their quite extraordinary business, we are definitely talking about huge sums. And the Norwegian tax authorities? Well, they don’t want to know about this. They are more interested in taking down persons and organisations that attempt to educate the people about what is really going on in their own country.
The late lawyer Tore S. Engelschiøn – the Johannessen-family’s former in-house-lawyer – has received some $ 1.8 million during the 1970’ and 1980’ in fees from this family. According to the late Johannessen, the lawyer received the money in Switzerland, in his secret Swiss accounts, out of reach of his partners.
Again, what about the Norwegian tax authorities? Well, Mr. Engelschiøn was a buffer between the Government/ship owners and their heirs, representing both Amelia and Astrid Reksten Høyer among other heirs, and was practically a Governmental fire extinguisher, so of course he was of no interest to the tax authorities. In this regard it is worth noting that Mr. Engelschiøn was the son of Otto S. Engelschiøn (head of the Norwegian intelligence and security service during the WWII), and a member of the “Norwegian Society”, as well as the Stay Behind. In other words a member of the inner circle of untouchables.
I oppose to these criminals and their criminal activity. My opposition to this is most likely the reason why the Government passed a decree in the spring of 2004 (see this article and linked articles inside) stating that I was never ever to get authorisation as a lawyer, and why the latest heading in Finansavisen, about me, sounded something like this:
- Informed about a hidden fortune
- The informer is now under investigation
and the journalist seems to have got his therapy for the day.
By this the Government sends out an unmistakeable signal through their mediums: - Attack our dirty activity and you will be sorry.
According to this article in the Finansavisen, it seems that the Minister of Finance, Kristin Halvorsen, has come to an agreement with the
What about the criminals then, Halvorsen? The ship owners, the heirs of the ship owners? The Viking Bank-fraud? The Government and the backers that made this Norwegian/Swiss fraud possible? The Hydro-Reksten fraud in the
There is obviously a structural problem in
When I write; “educated”, I mean that you have to let go of deep rooted thoughts that through years of manipulation has settled down as established arguments and “facts”, this in order to be able to reason freely and independently, and then be able to understand what is already written about this problem e.g. on the Internet. It is worth while investigating your own rights and your legal and social position in the society. So let go and go ahead educate yourself. You will be amazed how bad it is, but you will also be amazed how much power you have if you just want it to happen.
In just a few months there is a general election in
Use your power, get rid of the modern slave-drivers that couldn’t care less about you and your problems, and be a part of a new and better future created by you, where your ideas, your wellness and happiness will be put first and thus not these “families’” desire to stay in power (the status quo principle and all its aspects) solely to prepare their next generation for the continued deprivation of you and the country.
Herman J Berge
[1] Trygve is the son of Per Hegnar. Per was working with the National Bank for several years prior to and during the WWII, before he was hand-picked and engaged as the right hand puppet of another ship owner and tax evader; Fred. Olsen. Not only did Per know about Fred. Olsen’s and other ship owner’s hidden fortune abroad, he was one of many National Bank-individuals responsible for making the whole Swiss/Norwegian scheme possible in the first place.
[2] If any of you readers should happen to know this “Ullmann” (Wool man), please contact us. Ullmannen could be a code for something else, though. The Johannessen family operated with numerous codes in their business: “Copies” was the code for banknotes. One copy was the equivalent of US $1.000. “One kilo of copies” could also be the code for US $1.000.
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